
The Delia Mahon Collection

Delia Mahon - 5th or 6th class student


Every person which God has put on this earth and is earning money should try and spare up something let it be great or small for his old age, or as some people say for the ‘rainy day’.  He should leave it up either weekly or yearly according as he gets his pay.  No one likes to be depending on another for a morsel to eat in his old age.

No matter how much money a person may have, he had to work hard for it, or perhaps some friend or other left him all we had.  Money will not fall out of the sky to anyone.

If a person does not spare up money when young that person will have to go into the Poor House or some such place to die.


Editor’s Note:  Above Essay is from Delia Mahon’s 1906-1907 school year copybook

This page was added on 28/09/2022.

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