Across the sea, the last hours of battle, were near Rimini,
a long way from his mother, Abbey and Garrymore,
age 27 then, and for evermore.
Remembered, alongside other men of courage,
and always now, with those band of brothers;
respected, in the most immaculate ground, you ever saw.
Go through those impressive gates, maybe on the 8th May,
and a perpetual monument reminds us,
they gave their tomorrows, for our Europe of today.
See laid out before you, a verdant carpet of green,
that’s a different shade, from Ireland’s many others.
It overlooks the Adriatic, and so bright under an Italian sun,
those Portland stones, standing upright, straight, his among them, all gleaming, one by one.
They fought tough, hard, and so very far,
A prayer for all those soldiers with him, you say,
then a last look, before, au revoir.
Remember that carved stone inscription,
as here lies, that man, from East Galway.
Ó bhas go críoch, ní críoch ach athfhás,
I bParthas na nGrást go raibhaimid
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