Harvest Fields

The Delia Mahon Collection

Delia Mahon - 5th or 6th class student



If you take a walk in the month of September through the harvest fields or fields of corn, you will see a great many kinds of corn a – wheat, rye, barley, oats, all of which are stacked ready for the bringing home.

Wheat is sometimes changed into flour and with this flour bread is made.  Bread is sometimes called the ‘staff of life’ because on it man subsists.  Flour is got from wheat, it is produced by first drying and grinding the wheat.  It is the most important ingredient in the making of bread.

When the seeds of wheat are sown and come up above the ground they are like grass; as they grow they become yellow until ripe, when perfectly ripe they are a deep yellow with grain on the top.  If corn is not cut down when ripe, it sheds, or all the grain falls out.  In can be mown either with a scythe or mowing machine.  When it is mown down it is bound or tied up in little sheaves; next it is stacked and is left in the stacks a certain time.  It is then brought into the haggard and again stacked and thatched safely for the winter.

Editor’s Note:  This essay is taken from Delia Mahon’s 1906-1907 copybook

This page was added on 27/09/2022.

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