
The Delia Mahon Collection

Delia Mahon - 5th or 6th class student



Recreation is necessary to health because constant work brings on illness in the same way incessant mental work brings on insanity.  Recreation is the change of work, a relaxing of the mind and muscles.  Early pastimes were purely of a physical nature, amusements simply of the muscles were the sports of ancient Greece, Rome and old England.

Modern recreation or that of the present day may be practised by walking, riding etc.  Recreation refreshes the mind, if we have been studying for a long time, then after our walk we go back again to our study with fresh energy.  Recreation should not be sought after as a business, it is only a pleasure.  It is useful only after constant steady work as – school teaching and dress-making and can be best enjoyed by those who work hardest.  Recreation should always, if possible be taken in the open air, because it then helps to strengthen our muscles and circulate our blood.

It is an old saying “too much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”


Dated: 10th April 1907


This page was added on 24/09/2022.

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