The Delia Mahon Collection
Delia Mahon - 5th or 6th class student
Health is a blessing so valuable that we cannot be too careful in preserving it. There are three things necessary to the preservation of health – pure air, cleanliness and due exercise.
When we breathe, we draw in the air into our lungs and then send it out again to the different parts of the body to support life. But when there is no ventilation in a room we are constantly breathing in the same air again and again and then it becomes incapable of supporting life.
The necessity of cleanliness particularly arises from the way we keep our skin. It is said there are 7,000,000 pores in the skin which are used for carrying off waste matter from the body and if we do not keep ourselves clean by constantly bathing and washing, these pores soon become clogged and therefore cease to allow the free passage that is required of them.
Exercise also helps to strengthen us especially when taken out of doors, as walking, riding etc. It helps to circulate the blood, the pores of the skin are kept open, the muscles strengthened etc. Yet we should remember that exercise should not be taken to too great an extent, and to run the risk of a sudden chill after perspiration should be avoided.
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