Money - Its Uses and Misuses

The Delia Mahon Collection

Delia Mahon - 5th or 6th class student



Money may be considered as a blessing and as a curse.  It is a blessing when honestly earned.  People who have money to spare have their houses beautifully furnished and their children well educated.  It increases comforts in the home and provides the necessities of life.  The possessor of it does a great deal of good which otherwise would not be accomplished.  It enables a person to do good and encourages industry.  It is a blessing when generously spent in works of charity, it blesses the giver and the receiver.

It is a curse when borrowed because it brings people into debt, anxiety and idleness.  It is a curse when hoarded up because it promotes selfishness and avarice.  It also encourages vice, such as intemperance, laziness and extravagance.

Money is a blessing or a curse according as it is used.  A person may be earning a good salary and drink and squander it and commit all kinds of crime.  Another person may be earning very little and live quite comfortably and happily.


Dated:  17th June 1907


This page was added on 24/09/2022.

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