
The Delia Mahon Collection

Delia Mahon - 5th or 6th class student



Spring is the time of the year when plants and all vegetables begin to grow; the corn is also showing itself above the earth with its beautiful green colour.

This season may be compared to morning.  How fresh looking and beautiful is the morning when the sunis just peeping above the horizon and the larks ascending high up in  the sky to give us their sweet songs.  How delightful to take a walk through the fields on such a morning, how soft the grass is under our feet dotted over with pretty daisies, primrose and daffodils.  In the beginning of February nature rises as from a dream after the cold weary winter.

Spring is the time when the buds and tender foliage of the trees are shooting out, the time when the flowers are unfolding their leaves, giving out their perfumes and delighting the human heart with their brilliant colours.  What pleasure must they afford the bee shut up as it was for three dull months in a state of lethargy.

The birds are coming back once more, choosing their mates and filling the soft balmy air with sweet songs.  How all coaxes nature to bloom once more.  The little lambs are out again, sporting in the brilliant sun – they have no fear when their mothers are by their sides.  The little chicks and ducks are also out, scraping in the new tilled soil and wading in the rivers and lakes.

Spring is like youth – the seeds sown then will either produce good or bad according as the soil is cared.  Seeds of vice if not taken out when young destroy the heart, like weeds destroy the land.


Dated:  2-4-1907

This page was added on 24/09/2022.

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