The Delia Mahon Collection
Delia Mahon - 5th or 6th class student
There are many kinds of domestic fowl reared in this country as – the goose, hen, duck, turkey etc. Of all fowl the hen is most common, she is reared and fed generally for the value of her eggs, feathers and for table use. She is also reared that she may bring out little chickens or pullets as some people call them, which nearly all delicate people eat.
She lays an innumerable quantity of eggs which if not used can be brought to the market and a large price obtained for them. It is grand to see the neat little houses where hens sleep in beds of straw and to see the boxes in which they lay their eggs, each of which generally has a nest egg in it or if the person has not an egg, an egg stand is used instead. This entices the hen to come and lay her egg on it. The cock is larger than the hen, he rises very early in the morning which is an example for us if we take pattern by it.
In olden times when there were no clocks and when the sun would not rise early, the people judge the time of the morning by the crowing of the cock.
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